2008年12月29日 星期一

網路社群建立與應用 12月29日 翻譯


One day, while he was shaving with a straight razor that was so worn it could no longer be sharpened, the idea came to him. What if the blade could be made of a thin metal strip? Rather than spending time maintaining the blades, men could simply discard them when they became dull. A few years of metallurgy experimentation later, the disposable-blade safety razor was born. But it didn't take off immediately. In its first year, 1903, Gillette sold a total of 51 razors and 168 blades. Over the next two decades, he tried every marketing gimmick he could think of. He put his own face on the package, making him both legendary and, some people believed, fictional. He sold millions of razors to the Army at a steep discount, hoping the habits soldiers developed at war would carry over to peacetime. He sold razors in bulk to banks so they could give them away with new deposits ("shave and save" campaigns). Razors were bundled with everything from Wrigley's gum to packets of coffee, tea, spices, and marshmallows. The freebies helped to sell those products, but the tactic helped Gillette even more. By giving away the razors, which were useless by themselves, he was creating demand for disposable blades. A few billion blades later, this business model is now the foundation of entire industries: Give away the cell phone, sell the monthly plan; make the videogame console cheap and sell expensive games; install fancy coffeemakers in offices at no charge so you can sell managers expensive coffee sachets.


2008年12月22日 星期一

網路社群建立與應用 翻譯 12月22日

翻譯了1小時 查了5個單字

At the age of 40, King Gillette was a frustrated inventor, a bitter anticapitalist, and a salesman of cork-lined bottle caps. It was 1895, and despite ideas, energy, and wealthy parents, he had little to show for his work. He blamed the evils of market competition. Indeed, the previous year he had published a book, The Human Drift, which argued that all industry should be taken over by a single corporation owned by the public and that millions of Americans should live in a giant city called Metropolis powered by Niagara Falls. His boss at the bottle cap company, meanwhile, had just one piece of advice: Invent something people use and throw away.

King Gillette在40歲的時候是一個挫折的發明家,一個很苦的反資本主義者,以及一個軟木塞瓶蓋銷售員,在沒有構想、精神以及有錢的父母之下的1895年,他很難發揮它的工作。他責怪競爭市場的對手們,事實上,在前一年他已經出版了一本書,人類的漂移,在爭論全部的行業應該被一個公眾擁有的公司以及百萬的美國人應該生活在一個叫做Metropolis的大城市由Niagara Falls維持。他的在瓶蓋公司的老闆,同時有個一份建議:發明一些人們使用以及丟掉的東西。

2008年12月17日 星期三

開放近用資訊 心得筆記 12月11日


A considerable part of the knowledge that should be openly accessible is contained in so-called ‘orphaned’ works. On the basis of their publication dates, these works are still protected by copyright, but their authors can only be located with great difficulty or not at all. Due to this uncertain legal situation libraries often do not dare to digitalise these culturally important items, whatever their media form, and make them freely accessible to the public. So far, legislators have not solved the problem of orphaned works. The ABU has been active in this area with suggestions, and has in principle joined the German Research Foundation’s (DFG) demand on the EU to solve this situation by considering and treating these works as if they were in the public domain until a rights holder objects. From the point of view of the DFG and the Coalition for Action, it is imperative for the freedom of research and education that the digitalisation of orphaned works or works in the public domain does not justify the creation of new copyrights or exploitation rights of the digitalised original. A similarly liberal solution should be found for works that are no longer in print.


2008年12月15日 星期一

網路社群建立與應用 心得筆記12月9號



2008年12月10日 星期三

開放近用資訊 翻譯


Open Access from the Point of View of the Coalition for Action

‘Copyright for Education and Research’
By Rainer Kuhlen, Chair of Information Science, University of Konstanz; Spokesman for the Coalition for Action ‘Copyright
for Education and Research’ (Aktionsbundnis ‘Urheberrecht fur Bildung und Wissenschaft’)


The Coalition for Action ‘Copyright for Education and Research’ (Aktionsbundnis ‘Urheberrecht fur Bildung und Wissenschaft’, ABU) was formed in the context of the current debate surrounding the reform of German copyright law. It aims to represent the interests of education and science and scholarship in a liberal treatment of knowledge and information dissemination vis a vis the legislator. The basis of the ABU is the Gottingen Declaration of 2004, signed by 6 academic organisations, 328 learned societies and 5 500 individuals(as of April 2007). Its central message is as follows: ‘In a digitised and networked information society, access to global information for the purposes of education and science must be guaranteed at all times from any place!’ This is certainly compatible with the goals of Open Access.

為計畫'版權的教育和研究' (Aktionsbundnis ‘Urheberrecht fur Bildung und Wissenschaft’,新華社)聯盟的行動形成關於目前圍繞著改善德國版權法的辯論。它的目標是代表教育、科學和學問的利益對於議員散佈自由知識和資訊的處置。新華社最初是以2004年的哥廷根宣言簽署了6學術團體, 328名學術團體和5500個個人(截至2007年4月) 。其主要消息如下: '在一個數位和網路訊息的社會,為了教育和科學目的,全球的資訊必須保證在何時何地都可以近用! '這無疑是符合開放近用的目標。

The ABU can only indirectly promote the implementation of the principle of Open Access in education and science. Generally, Open Access is not impaired by copyright. Copyright grants authors publishing rights. An Open Access publication, however, means that the author’s exploitation rights are no longer exclusive. However, it is the authors’ decision whether to also make their work available for commercial exploitation through contractual agreements.


In any case, the author’s personal/moral rights are not affected by Open Access. Some of the problems in the overlapping areas of Open Access and copyright are as follows:

It would be easier for many authors to start applying Open Access if Section 38 of the German Copyright Law was changed so that authors of contributions to periodically published collections could have their exploitation rights (for non-commercial purposes) restored after a maximum period of six months from the date of the commercial publication of their work and so that one could not even waive this right contractually. The time delay may not be in the spirit of Open Access, but this regulation could inspire many authors to make their work freely available after an embargo period of this type.



A difficult question is whether, in addition to being encouraged to make their work
available for Open Access publication, authors should also be obliged to deposit, in parallel at least, any work resulting from research supported by public funds in the Open Access repositories of their institutions. This is currently a controversial issue, since, for some, not only the questions of ‘whether’, ‘when’ and ‘how’ constitute academic freedom, but also the question of ‘where’. For others, the question of ‘where’ should not be left exclusively to the free choice of the individual. The ABU tends to support the latter opinion, so that, in line with the
goal of the Gottingen Declaration, all of the knowledge produced with the help of public funds can be made publicly available. Of course authors should continue to be allowed to choose freely where they publish their work commercially, so long as the Open Access publication is guaranteed without delay. 

A considerable part of the knowledge that should be openly accessible is contained in so-called ‘orphaned’ works. On the basis of their publication dates, these works are still protected by copyright, but their authors can only be located with great difficulty or not at all. Due to this uncertain legal situation libraries often do not dare to digitalise these culturally important items, whatever their media form, and make them freely accessible to the public. So far, legislators have not solved the problem of orphaned works. The ABU has been active in this area with suggestions, and has in principle joined the German Research Foundation’s (DFG) demand on the EU to solve this situation by considering and treating these works as if they were in the public domain until a rights holder objects. From the point of view of the DFG and the Coalition for Action, it is imperative for the freedom of research and education that the digitalisation of orphaned works or works in the public domain does not justify the creation of new copyrights or exploitation rights of the digitalised original. A similarly liberal solution should be found for works that are no longer in print.

The ABU sees Open Access as well as free
licensing forms such as ‘creative commons’
that support authors’ information autonomy as
promising solutions to the regulatory impasses
of current copyright law without fundamentally
questioning it.

2008年12月8日 星期一

網路社群建立與應用 心得筆記 12月4日


開放近用資訊 古騰堡計畫

495100011 賴鈞弼 圖資三 網路社群建立與應用 夢溪筆談 沈括(960-1279) 印本書目資料 電子檔網址 香港 中華書局香港分局 1968年 古騰堡文本編號27292

2008年12月3日 星期三

開放近用資訊 心得筆記 11月27日
