A considerable part of the knowledge that should be openly accessible is contained in so-called ‘orphaned’ works. On the basis of their publication dates, these works are still protected by copyright, but their authors can only be located with great difficulty or not at all. Due to this uncertain legal situation libraries often do not dare to digitalise these culturally important items, whatever their media form, and make them freely accessible to the public. So far, legislators have not solved the problem of orphaned works. The ABU has been active in this area with suggestions, and has in principle joined the German Research Foundation’s (DFG) demand on the EU to solve this situation by considering and treating these works as if they were in the public domain until a rights holder objects. From the point of view of the DFG and the Coalition for Action, it is imperative for the freedom of research and education that the digitalisation of orphaned works or works in the public domain does not justify the creation of new copyrights or exploitation rights of the digitalised original. A similarly liberal solution should be found for works that are no longer in print.